Richard Gargrave

Associate Director, Head of Innovation, Procurement Policy and Advisory Department
Profile / Bio: 

Richard has 40 years experience of public procurement and project management firstly with Crown Agents in the UK & 3 years as Manager of Crown Agents Services Ltd, Singapore; ​9 years as a consultant on World Bank projects in Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia and Uzbekistan living in Russia and Belarus; ​3 years as World Bank Senior Procurement Specialist in the World Bank Ukraine office. ​For the last 15 years with EBRD London HQ, working first as a Senior Procurement Adviser on municipal infrastructure projects in EBRD’s countries of operations and since 2010 as Associate Director with the Procurement Policy and Advisory Department (PPAD). ​

Currently, as PPAD Head of Innovation he has specific responsibility for e-procurement, participating in IFI and OECD working groups, responsible for the concept, design, development and implementation of the SaaS contract for EBRD’s Client e-Procurement Portal (ECEPP) operational since 2015 and now operational in 27 countries of operation with projects worth over EUR 15bn using the system for project procurement. ​

IFI financed projects experience in  over 27 countries in Asia, Europe and the Middle East.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
EBRD Client e-Procurement Portal (ECEPP): Why contract and financial management should be considered an integral part of e-procurement? 23 December 2022 Slides ADB Administration and Governance, ICT
Handling Procurement Complaints: The EBRD - ECEPP Experience 17 November 2021 Slides ADB Administration and Governance, Governance and Public Sector Management, ICT
Case Study: Moving from Paper to e-Procurement - Use of EBRO ECEPP System on Suez Oil Processing Company Project in Egypt 03 November 2020 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
[VIDEO] COVID-19 and Acceleration of Digital Transformation of Procurement 03 November 2020 Multimedia ADB Administration and Governance