Rangina Nazrieva is Senior Social Development Specialist (Safeguards) in the Southeast Asia Department/Energy Division (SERD/SEEN). Prior to joining SEEN in November 2021, Rangina worked in the Southeast Asia Urban and Water Division, and before that she was Cambodia Resident Mission’s safeguards specialist (for resettlement).
She joined ADB in 2018 and oversaw social safeguards compliance across the Cambodia portfolio. Prior to joining ADB, Rangina was a senior social and gender specialist at CAI Consulting in Tajikistan where she reviewed social safeguards, social and gender development, and environmental safeguards issues; led relevant studies on proposed projects; and reviewed investment plans with respect to social and environmental issues.
As an international external resettlement monitoring specialist at the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2015-2017, she monitored the progress of implementation of land acquisition and resettlement activities in an ADB-funded road project.
She worked with the ADB Tajikistan Resident Mission on a regional technical assistance to mainstream resettlement safeguards in Central and West Asia and had consultancy engagements with the World Bank in Washington, DC; IRD Engineering in Rome; and EPTISA in Ankara. Rangina was a business development specialist in the International Finance Corporation in 2007-2009; social/poverty expert with Cardno PTY Ltd in 2006-2007; and community development advisor/gender officer in Deutsche Welthingerhilfe/German Agro Action in Tajikistan in 2004-2006.
Rangina earned her master's degree in International Economic Relations from Tajik State University, Tajikistan in 1998. She country work experience includes Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Cambodia, Myanmar, Lao PDR, Indonesia, and Timor Leste.