Nicolas Rossin has been a regional task team leader on biodiversity for the Agence Française de développement (AFD) since 2017. He’s currently based at AFD regional office in Beijing where he’s in charge of the projects portfolio on biodiversity and natural capital in China (including the China Biodiversity Facility) and Vietnam. He joined AFD in 2002 and has since worked in operations, both in the field (regional office for South Pacific in New Caledonia and country office in Mauritania) and at headquarters. Prior to his position as TTL on biodiversity, he worked as a climate senior expert, in charge of the adaptation team within AFD’s climate change unit.
Nicolas Rossin has a master degree in business administration from the Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (ESSEC) and is graduated from the University of Rennes on wetlands and coastal management.