Michael established Ocean Assets Institute (OAI) in 2015, leveraging his 35-year career in finance to speed the transition to sustainability in the maritime sectors. Achievements include helping launch the BlueInvest program for the European Commission, design maritime green bond standards for Climate Bonds Initiative, author guidance on sustainable finance of shipping and ports for UNEP-FI and lead the Blue Economy Knowledge Product for the Asian Development Bank, UNDP and UNEP. He serves in the board of Zero Emission Ship Technology Association. Michael began his career by founding The Journal of Investing in 1987 and Pedigree Investments in 1992, raising capital for alternative investments until 2010 when he became active in sustainable finance. Michael and his family lived in the Bahamas (2006-9) where they funded coral reef studies and participated in several marine ecosystem initiatives. Michael holds a MSc Business Policy from Columbia University, and a BA from Bates College.