Senior External Affairs Officer
, The World Bank
Profile / Bio:
•Masud Mozammel is a Senior External Affairs Officer at The World Bank in Washington DC. He provides technical leadership and advisory support to governments and development partners on strategic communication, stakeholder engagement, and innovative new media concepts, tools and techniques to multiply development impact. For more than 20 years, Masudhas advised governments across the globe, led initiatives, and managed project components related to poverty reduction strategies, financial and public sector reforms, governance, transparency & accountability, regional integration in sectors such as transport, health, rural development, water, and agriculture. Currently, he is leading an initiative to establish a Global Procurement Partnership as part of a World Bank collaboration with governments, development partners, and a range of other stakeholders. Masud has published books, articles, and chapters on issues related to communication, poverty, and development.
•Prior to joining the World Bank in 1999, Masud worked as a journalist, and has served as media & communication expert with different national and international organizations. He holds a Master's degree in Mass Communication & Journalism from Dhaka University in Bangladesh, a Master's degree in International Communication from School of International Service at American University in Washington, D.C., and has been trained at the Poverty Action Lab in Massachusetts Institute of Technology.