Maria Vassilakou, MSc, founder and CEO of Vassilakou Urban Consulting GmbH - Vienna Solutions, works worldwide as an advisor to cities, organizations, NGOs and corporations sharing know-how on green and fair urban transformation strategies and transition management. She also serves as a member of the EU Mission Experts-Board advising the European Commission on the design and implementation of Europes „100 Climate neutral smart Cities by 2030“ Mission.
From November 2010 until July 2019 Maria Vassilakou served as Viennas Vice Mayor, responsible for Urban Development, Traffic & Transport, Climate Transition, Energy Planning and Citizen Involvement with a vast transformation agenda comprising numerous innovative projects.
Maria Vassilakou was born in Greece and migrated to Austria as a student in the mid 80s. She studied Linguistics and Psychology at the University of Vienna (Mag.Phil, 1994) and acquired 2019 an MSc degree from the London School of Economics (LSE Cities Programme).