Prof. Khory McCormick is a vice president and fellow of the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration and the immediate past deputy chair of the Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy.
With key roles across a range of alternative/appropriate dispute resolution bodies and with sector recognised expertise confirmed by independent publications, Prof. McCormick is a recognised market leader in the field of dispute and conflict resolution in the Australasian market.
After over 35 years of practice as a partner at the top end of the commercial, public and private sector markets, Prof. McCormick's opinion is widely sought across a broad spectrum of industry sectors. Peer rankings regularly rank him as a 'go to' adviser and a thought leader in terms of the future of dispute resolution, particularly in cross border and cross cultural contexts.
Prof. McCormick has recently represented the Australian government in UNCITRAL Working Group II: Dispute Resolution, which has drafted the Singapore Convention on Mediation and associated model law.
He has been an institutional representative for entry into cooperation agreements in the ADR and arbitration spaces with both ICADR (India) and BANI (Indonesia) as well as spoken throughout the region in Korea, USA, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, India, Indonesia and elsewhere. He is also active in the educational space receiving a professorship and doctorate from the University of Griffith.