Kiesha Prem is an infectious disease modeler at the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. She collaborates closely with the national Tuberculosis control unit in Cambodia Ministry of Health and WHO to build computational models for infectious diseases and conduct cost-effectiveness and feasibility studies. During the 2016 Zika outbreak in Singapore, she worked closely with a national team led by the Singapore Ministry of Health to analyse almost real-time outbreak data. The efforts were published in a comprehensive paper documenting the outbreak. She is currently evaluating the cost-effectiveness and feasibility of a global eradication of vaccine-type human papillomavirus. Kiesha is a passionate educator and together with her colleagues at SSHSPH, she has conducted R workshops at Mahidol University in Bangkok, University of Public Health Yangon, and UCSI University in Kuala Lumpur.