Jose Bienvenido Biona

Executive Director
, Electric Vehicle Association of the Philippines
Profile / Bio: 

Dr.Jose Bienvenido Manuel M. Biona is currently the Executive Director of the Electric Vehicle Association of the Philippines and a Full Professor of Mechanical Engineering of De La Salle University. He is also the founding and current Executive Director of the Enrique Razon Jr. Logistics Institute of the same university. He is also member of the board of various clean transport start-ups. He has spearheaded various aspects of sustainable mobility and e-Mobility initiatives ranging from program and policy development, technology and standards development, and partnership and capacity building in various countries supporting programs of national governments and international organizations including World Bank, UNEP, UNDP, UNIDO, USIAD, GIZ, Clean Asia and GGGI among others. More specifically, he has been extensively involved in providing support for the crafting of the EVIDA and CREVI, a member of the Technical Committee on Electric Vehicles or TC 89 of DTI-BPS and is also currently leading the team supporting the crafting of the e-mobility regulatory framework for Laos including the vehicle type approval and certification and annual electric vehicle inspection system.
