Mr. John Denny (Tim) is a senior technical advisor on a wide range of education issues supporting mainly developing countries throughout Asia and Africa. He is currently supporting the Asian Development Bank and UNESCO on multi-country research toward country situation analysis on education technologies.
Tim started his career in the field of education in the late ’80s in higher education management, then went on to a successful teaching career where he served as professor in universities in Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, and the USA. In 2005 he changed focus to become an advisor to governments on education issues and since that time has supported the development of secondary and higher education policy/plans, ICT for education guidelines, and national education sector analysis. He has served as a UNICEF staff for 6 years where he has lead education research, developed education management information systems, and deployed national emergency education solutions through manmade and natural calamities. He has held a passion for education technologies throughout his career and is currently focusing on assisting private sector upstarts, NGOs and through consultancy work to revision education systems in preparation for the “fourth industrial revolution” which will see a focus on outcomes rather than inputs.