Ivan Ivanov

Team Lead, Occupational and Workplace Health
, World Health Organization
Profile / Bio: 

Dr. Ivan Ivanov is Team Leader of the WHO Global Occupational Health Programme in Geneva. He has the overall responsibility for the implementation of the WHO Global Plan of Action on Workers’ Health, and for collaboration with other internal technical programmes and outside partners. In addition, currently he carries out several technical projects; his project portfolio includes scaling up coverage with occupational health services, workers’ health in a green economy and climate change policies, as well as occupational diseases. 

Prior to joining WHO, Ivan worked in the Ministry of Health of his native country, Bulgaria, as senior ministerial adviser in occupational health, where he led a large scale project on restructuring occupational health, including legislation and creation of occupational health services.

Dr. Ivanov is a medical doctor with an MPH in occupational health from Bulgaria and a PhD in sociology of health and environment from Michigan State University.


