Mr. Harold Yip is the founder of Secure Information Disposal Services Limited (SSID) www.ssid.hk, an award-winning waste and environmental management company established in 2009. SSID launched Mil Mill, www.milmill.hk, in 2019, which is the first pulp mill and education center in Hong Kong, China to recycle beverage cartons. Mil Mill has developed the capacity to process 50 tons of beverage cartons/mixed papers daily and transform these valuable materials, which were treated as trash and dumped into the already saturated landfills, into recycled paper products.
Before his own startup, Mr. Yip worked for several multinationals including Double-A HK as General Manager, Lyreco HK as Managing Director, and Jardine Group in a senior manager position. Mr. Harold Yip holds a BBA and EMBA degrees from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
葉文琪先生係資訊機密處理有限公司 (SSID) 聯合創辦人。SSID係一家獲獎的廢物管立公司,公司現時亦係中文大學廢物管理承辦商。SSID又成立本港首家紙包飲品盒回收廠,每日可處理五十噸原先要堆填嘅紙包飲品盒、紙杯、雜紙等。
成立SSID前,葉先生曾任多家跨國公司職務如DOUBLE A 、利來客 總經理 及怡和高級經理等。