Deepa Joshi is the Gender, Youth and Inclusion Lead at WLE and International Water Management Institutes (IWMI). A feminist political ecologist by training, her research has analysed shifts in environmental policies and how these restructure contextually complex intersections of gender, poverty, class, ethnicity and identity. Her interests lie in connecting gender and environmental discourse to local capacity-building initiatives and advocating for policy-relevant change across developmental institutions. She has worked primarily in South Asia, and to a lesser extent in South East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. Her published research presents ethnographic analyses of how inequality is reiterated and experienced across institutions and processes of policy-making, in policies per se and in implementing institutions at scale. Before Joining WLE, she worked at the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience at Coventry University, and earlier at Wageningen University and DFID.