Cholpon Mambetova works as a Senior Integrity Specialist in the Office of Anticorruption and Integrity (OAI) of ADB. She joined OAI in 2013 and has 7 years of experience investigating fraud and corruption in projects financed by ADB. Her current job in OAI includes designing and conducting anticorruption capacity development and awareness-raising activities for ADB member countries and carrying out integrity risk management reviews for development projects. Cholpon serves as ADB’s focal point in the Anticorruption Initiative for Asia-Pacific.
Between 2001 and 2013, Mambetova has been working as a regional cooperation consultant and as a Senior Project Implementation Specialist in Central and West Asia Department of ADB. Prior to joining ADB in 2001, she spent 7 years of working for the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic at various managerial positions in the area of foreign investments and economic development. Cholpon has obtained a master's degree in International Relations and Law from the International University of Kyrgyzstan, and a master's degree in Public Policy from Graduate School of Policy Science, Saitama University, Japan.