Ms. Jha’s field of specialization includes Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Training, Analysis and Mainstreaming, Conflict Analysis, Project Design, Evaluation, Assessment Studies, and Facilitation/Moderation. She has been responsible for the design and implementation of GESI mainstreaming processes in various organizations including UN agencies in Nepal, Maldives, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia, and for UK AID, WB and ADB-funded programs in Nepal. As the international social inclusion expert for the South Asia Regional Department of ADB, she prepared its GESI Framework and the guidance notes for its implementation, based on a GESI Assessment study covering six countries of South Asia (Bhutan; Bangladesh; India, the Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka). She also prepared the social exclusion profiles of these six South Asian countries for ADB. She was the GESI expert to assist ADB India (2021-22), Sri Lanka (2020), and Nepal (2019-20) in conducting the GESI diagnostic study of selected sectors to inform their Country Partnership Strategy. She was the team leader of the EU Sector Gender Analyses of 4 sectors, completed in 2022. She was the lead consultant in support of WB to the Ministry of Finance for the development of Gender Responsive Budget guidelines for sub-national governments in Nepal. As LNOB/GESI Thematic Manager of the MEL Unit of Resilience Portfolio of DFID from 2018-2021, she was responsible for the design and implementation of the LNOB review of program components of the DFID portfolio. As an expert, she has worked with many government agencies to facilitate the preparation of operational guidelines to mainstream gender and inclusion in their organizations. Ms. Jha is a professional facilitator of the UN System Staff College. She is a distinction holder of a Masters in Development Management Degree from the Asian Institute of Management, Philippines.