Bruce Gosper

Vice-President for Administration and Corporate Management
Profile / Bio: 

Mr. Bruce Gosper is the Vice-President for Administration and Corporate Management of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Mr. Gosper is responsible for the overall management of the Budget, People, and Management Systems Department; Corporate Services Department; Information Technology Department; Office of Safeguards; Office of the Secretary; and Procurement, Portfolio, and Financial Management Department. Mr. Gosper has 40 years of experience working with multilateral and regional institutions dealing with trade and economic policy and running large public sector organizations. Before taking up a role at ADB, he was Australia’s High Commissioner to Singapore. Before that, he was Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Trade and Investment Commission – Australia’s trade promotion and investment facilitation agency. Previous roles include Deputy Secretary of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, responsible for Australia’s trade policy and trade negotiations, and Ambassador to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, where he led Australia’s multilateral trade initiatives and chaired the WTO General Council and WTO Dispute Settlement Body. He held senior roles in the Australian Embassies in Washington and Tokyo and served on the Board of the former Export Finance and Insurance Corporation. He is a member of the Asia Society’s Advisory Council. Mr. Gosper is a graduate of Macquarie University and the University of New England.



Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Opening Remarks 11 December 2024 Document ADB Administration and Governance, Finance, Governance and Public Sector Management
Welcome Remarks and Introduction of Keynote Speaker 19 September 2023 Multimedia ADB Administration and Governance
[VIDEO] International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women: Addressing Gender-based Violence and Sexual Violence in Development Project 25 November 2021 Multimedia Gender Equality
Video: Opening Session 09 November 2021 Multimedia ADB Administration and Governance, Finance