Bernhard Schenk is working since almost 20 years as a freelance engineer and senior consultant in projects financed by KfW
Development Bank, GIZ, EBRD, World Bank and since May this year in the ADB financed TA on Circular Economy Zero Waste Cities in
the PRC, being responsible for Output 2 on Zero municipal waste action plan for Guangdong Province.
• more than 30 years experience in the SWM sector.
• Since more than 20 years he works mainly internationally in projects in Asia, Europe, Latin America and Africa.
• His experience comprises technical SWM practises in all fields of waste management as well as expertise in organisational management
and financial analysis of feasibility of SWM projects.
• He has worked as engineer and consultant in Consulting companies but also as CEO of a landfill management company in Germany.
• He is familiar with modern methodologies to introduce waste reduction and recycling technologies from his experiences in Germany
and other countries.