Ayalew Kebede Belew is a Senior Procurement Specialist based in Islamabad, World Bank Pakistan Country Office.
Ayalew has a B.Sc Degree in Civil Engineering from Addis Ababa University of Ethiopia and M.Sc Degree in Construction Management from Reading University of UK. Ayalew has over 26 years of professional experience in planning, procurement, contract management and auditing of projects in the building, road, power, water, natural resource, education, finance, agriculture and urban sectors. He has over 22 years of experience of working on policy and operational aspects of procurement and contract management including complex and high value international public procurements. He worked in various countries, such as Ethiopia, Lesotho, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia and Botswana using the procurement policies, laws and procedures of these countries. His experience includes working as Government officer in busy public sector organizations, private sector and WB.
Ayalew worked with the procurement guidelines and procedures of the major multilateral and bilateral development partners. He worked as Cost Evaluator, Project Engineer, Project Coordinator, Contract Administrator, Procurement Engineer, Procurement Manager, Procurement and Contracts Specialist, Procurement Director, Procurement Consultant, Procurement Auditor, Procurement Value Chain Analyst and Senior Procurement Specialist. He has extensive experience in procurement reform, procurement data analytics using KPIs and capacity building to strengthen country systems. He is also involved in diverse operational procurement activities following objective, inclusive, risk and proportionality-based sustainable procurement approaches in the identification, design and supervision of projects.