Shion has over 20 years of experience leading the design and implementation of water (rural and urban) projects which have cross-cutting natural capital and environment, and agriculture sector impacts. He has been responsible for leading policy dialogue with government and civil society, and the design and implementation of innovative lending projects and technical assistance programs across a range of developing member countries in the Asia Pacific region, including leading innovative green development initiatives and policy reforms under ADB’s flagship Yangtze River Economic Belt and Yellow River Ecological Corridor integrated river basin management programs in the People’s Republic of China and coastal resilience and blue economy programs in India. In his previous assignment, he served as the urban and water sector focal point in ADB’s Independent Evaluation Department responsible for sector and country program evaluations across all regions of ADB’s operations. He has a Ph.D in Natural Resource Economics from Central Queensland University, and degrees in Civil Engineering and Business Management from the University of Queensland, Australia.