Arndt Husar

Senior Public Management Specialist (Digital Transformation)
Profile / Bio: 
As a senior public management specialist in ADB’s Digital Technology for Development Division, Arndt facilitates the effective use of digital technology, advising ADB clients, regional departments, as well as sector and thematic groups on digital transformation.
Arndt provides technical assistance, knowledge and capacity development support on data management, technology risks, tech start-up ecosystems, and digital transformation strategies. He has authored working papers and reports on cloud computing, digital connectivity solutions, startup ecosystem development and the future of transport. Contributing to the future-readiness of ADB, he has been promoting futures thinking and foresight activities, co-leading foresight projects of the transport sector group as well as country-level activities.
Prior to ADB, Arndt worked with the UN Development Programme at national, regional, and global levels. He holds a master’s degree in spatial planning from TU Dortmund University, Germany.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Opening and Overview - Global Trends and Developments 09 September 2024 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Korea’s Startup Ecosystem Support and Identification of Workshop 26 February 2024 Slides ICT, Industry and Trade
Asia Practice Showcase 22 January 2024 Slides ICT, Industry and Trade
Introduction to the ADB Digital Education Readiness Framework 29 June 2022 Slides Education
Digital Connectivity and Low Earth Orbit Constellations 17 March 2022 Slides ICT, Regional Cooperation and Integration
Opening and Introduction 28 April 2021 Slides ICT