Arjen Vrielink (1977) is a graduate of Wageningen University and holds MSc degrees in both 'Natural Resource Management in the Tropics' and 'Geo-information Science'.
Arjen has extensive experience in (Linux) system engineering, satellite image processing, spatial analysis, web development and consulting. His professional career can be summarised by self development founded by a strong vision, passion for open source software, opportunity driven thinking and and the ability to motivate and inspire those around him.
His job experience varies from the design and implementation of Tropical Forest Monitoring Systems with Imaging Radar to eLearning consultant. Along the way he acquired a variety of technical expertise as well as excellent communication skills. Based on his experience as an eLearning consultant, Arjen introduced collaboration tools for distributed teams and set up methods and tools for knowledge management for the Water Insight team.
Arjen's responsibilities include(d) the design and implementation of satellite image processing chains including structuring the collection, processing and dissemmination of geospatial data. He also has experience in implementing and maintaining web application stacks (postgis > apache / nginx / gunicorn > mapserver / geoserver > openlayers / leaflet > django / flask).
On the side, Arjen implemented Agile methods and concepts at WI like SCRUM, Lean and Kanban resulting in better quality software, higher staff motivation, faster delivery cycles and an adaptive team able to respond to change fast.