Dr. Anju Sharma is a member of the prestigious lndian Administrative Service and has been serving in the Government at senior leadership positions for more than 30 years.
She currently holds the Office of Labour, Skill Development and Employment (LSD&ED) Government of Gujarat, as Additional chief secretary. She has done her MBA in Marketing & Finance and Masters in lnternational Development Policy from Ouke University, USA.
She has also done her Doctorate Oegree (Ph.D) in "Role of Spiritual lntelligence in Preventing Burnout amongst Managers" from Pandit Dindayal Energy University, Gandhinagar.
During her administrative career, she worked as Collector & DDO in various districts of Guiarat and has worked in various departments like Health, Revenue, Environment, Forest and Education in the State Government. She has also worked as Director in Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of lndia.