Ir. Abi Prabowo, MP earned a bachelor's degree in agricultural technology (majoring in Agricultural Mechanization, majoring in Soil Preservation and Water Management Engineering) in 1983 from Gadjah Mada University. Master's education (majoring in Agricultural Mechanization, majoring in Water Management Engineering) at Gadjah Mada University in 1992.
Since 2000, he has been active as a research staff in the field of Water Management Engineering at the Center for Agricultural Mechanization Development (BBP Mektan) in Serpong. The person concerned began to carry out research activities in the field of Water Management Engineering from 1985 to 1994 at the Maros Food Crops Research Institute (Balittan Maros), especially irrigation engineering and water management for legumes (peanuts and soybeans) and rice commodities. Several researches and engineering on the development of groundwater irrigation in Eastern Indonesia have been carried out during this period, including through collaborative research with ACIAR-Australia for peanut commodity. The research was conducted in Maros, Malang and Queensland (Australia). Following the mandate of Balittan Maros as the National Center for food crop commodities in the dry land climate agro-ecosystem area, researchers have carried out a lot of research and engineering of irrigation systems for other food crops, especially soybeans and dry land rice. Starting in 1995-2000 after the Maros Balittan turned into the Research Center for Corn and Other Cereal Crops ( Balitjas ), researchers have been involved in research and engineering of irrigation systems for maize and sorghum. These activities include land design, equipment and water management systems. Since 2000 until now the researcher has served in the Agricultural Mechanization BBP. The focus of research is still on the design and engineering of irrigation systems, however, the commodities are increasing not only in the scope of food crops, the main source of carbohydrates and vegetable protein, but also in horticulture. Several new topics of research that have been conducted since September 2003 are the management of irrigation assets (starting from dams or weirs to tertiary plots) and the engineering of their management information systems.
The Young Researcher functional level was obtained in 2002 in the field of agricultural mechanization research, especially Water Management Engineering. During his research assignment, he has also published about 50 research results in the form of journals, proceedings, reviews, national commodity policies, etc., published at home and abroad. Besides that, he is also a permanent member and is active in various scientific activities of professional organizations such as PERTETA (Agricultural Engineering Association), KNI-ICID (Irrigation and Drainage field), HATTI (Hydraulic Engineering field), PERHIMPI (agrometeorology field).
Awards that have been achieved include: Research Result Award (among the top 10 best researchers) at the quarter century event of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency. The 3rd best Young Researcher from Indonesia at the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) Congress and Seminar in Bali in 1998.