Romny Om

Secretary of State
, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia
Profile / Bio: 

Dr. Romny OM currently serves as the Secretary of State, MOEYS, and a honorary director of ITC. Got “Ingénieur’s degree” in 1988, M.Eng in EEE in 1996 and Dr.Eng in 2002 from Japan. He learned French at Paulvalérie University (Fr), Japanese at Hokkaido University, and got trained in technology transfer in Telecom, Digital signal processing from French university, joining projects design in Belgium, joining course an Education for Development and Competitiveness by WBI-BKK, and attending courses on Leading and Implementing Development Reform by WB, EU, AUS-Aid at École Royal Admin, CBD.

During his 35 years of experience in the academia, he served as a director, a board of academic and published 28 articles on his research carrier and served as a steering committee member of the AUN/SEED-Net, GMASARN, a member School of Internet of Japan, a board of Science Council of Asia and a member of the French speaking University Network, AUF. Dr Romny is leading the reform in STEM as a manager for STEP-UP project, a core team to develop an educational platform of MOEYS. He is the recipient of the following awards:

  1. The Japanese Foreign Minister’s Commendation, 2015,
  2. Highest medal “Grand Order of National Merit” (Cheatopka), 2018,
  3. JICA’s laureate “the JICA President Award 2021”,
  4. Medal “Chevalier des Palmes Académique,” French education ministry, 2022.

Dr Romny speaks English, French, Japanese, Russian and Khmer.
