THE GREEN ROAD: Integrated Waste Management and Circular Economy in Bhutan (ADB CE Webinar Series, Session 03)

Series: ADB Data Room: Circular Economy

THE GREEN ROAD: Integrated Waste Management and Circular Economy in Bhutan (ADB CE Webinar Series, Session 03)

11 August 2022

While Bhutan is developing its network of roadways, its climate, and mountainous terrain contribute to road degradation, making it difficult for transport and commercial activities. Green Road, a construction company, has developed an eco-friendly and resilient solution by paving roads using plastic waste. In this webinar, learn more about how Green Road is working on its objectives of saving the environment by segregating all plastic waste from the landfills in the country, building eco-friendly roads reducing the import of bitumen, and investing in bitumen for road construction, and generating employment for the youth in the country.  ​

Read the Session Summary here.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
11 Aug 2022 Presentation The Green Road: Environment Friendly and Socially Responsible
This presentation gives an overview of how Green Road is helping solve solid waste issues in Bhutan by transforming plastic waste into construction materials...
Rikesh Gurung


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