Featured Speaker Seminar: Subramanian Ramadorai on Navigating the Future: Digital Public Goods, AI, and the Changing Landscape of Work


Featured Speaker Seminar: Subramanian Ramadorai on Navigating the Future: Digital Public Goods, AI, and the Changing Landscape of Work

01 April 2024

This conversation with Subramanian Ramadorai, Chairperson at Karmayogi Bharat, was about the changing nature of work driven by digital technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), and innovation. The world is moving from rule-based frameworks to role-based frameworks, bringing a transformation in work structures and public service delivery models. Competencies and capabilities are now the sole differentiator. The talk explored opportunities to harness AI-powered digital public goods through collaboration and mutual learning for sustainable human capital development in a rapidly evolving world.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
01 Apr 2024 More information can be found here.


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